For further information, please do not hesitate to describe your application by filling the form below:
Since the begining of 1900, MicRos-LT srl, 3rd generation of a Belgian family business,
has for sole activity the development and production of its
electro-polarized bio-components.
Its cutting-edge electronic equipment leads to a high
production capacity with the highest consistency and at
lowest costs.
Its R&D, made of experienced tribologists, is a pillar of
its development. Its quality system is certified ISO 9001:2015 by Tüv.
In 2016, it moved to Shanghai-PR China, a megapole providing fast and easy sea-air deliveries.
We say what we will do and we do what we have said!
Result of a long history, MicRos Lubrication Technology ltd started mid-2015 to produce its PLASMOIL in PR China investing in a large factory which includes its offices and its R&D . Thanks to its highly professional services and the access it provides to technical advantages, Micros is successfully growing.
The PLASMOIL show a unique combination
of high viscosity and high
polarity and provides simultaneously
maxi-lubricity and oiliness, tackiness,
dispersancy, VI improvement, anti-corrosion, lower
friction and more.
honey-like products.
are Reach compliant.
BIO are completely biodegradable
(OECD 301D) and NSF.
Using PLASMOIL as additive or base will provide:
• Smooth lubrication, even bringing a
reduction of noise.
• Lower friction leading to energy
economy and/or power increase.
• High dispersancy leading to
cleanliness of the machinery and the capacity of
suspending particulates in an oil.
• Higher adsorption making it adequate for high
temperature operations and for rust protection.
• Long term effect on rubbing surfaces by rolling down
the asperities rather than grinding them out (self-healing).
• VI improvement, in similar
proportions than an OCP.
• Maxi-lubricity, oiliness, tackiness.
NB: Group II base oils have limited solvency and
co-solvents may be required.
Our philosophy has always integrated the
protection of the environment and the notion of a cleaner
Our additives are made of vegetable oils and subjected to a
clean electrical treatment, without any residue/emission and with the
ultimate property of reducing the energy consumption.
For further information, please do not hesitate to describe your application by filling the form below: